
  • centro de documentação gestalt-terapia brasileira
  • Vivianne Maria Lefundes Magalhães Rocha


Based on observations made in the care of patients with heart disease hospitalized at the Galeão Air Force Hospital during my training in psychology, a bibliographical survey of the main theorists investigating the theme of Mourning and of studies carried out on the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, this work has aimed at discussing unproven mourning as a triggering factor for heart disease. Research has warned of the development of risk factors for these diseases in people who have suffered a recent loss and were unable to work out their mourning properly, either because they did not find the intervention of a professional necessary or because of the social pressures of returning to "normality" that is, remaining happy and productive. We live in a society in which there is a predominance of the avoidance of death and the negation of sadness, where there is no room for listening to pain - silenced by the mediation of feelings. The inclusion of the study of this theme in the training of psychologists may enable them to listen and care for those who seek their help, entrusting them with the mitigation of psychic suffering through, especially, reception, but also through the use of appropriate techniques. As a professional committed to health, the Gestalt-therapist has the possibility to promote the client's contact with his pain, so that from this encounter occurs the resignification of his loss, the perception and magnification of his potentialities, culminating in a new form of being and being in the world. For this reason, the author believes that the elaboration of mourning through Gestalt Therapy can be an important adjunct to the reduction of risk factors that trigger cardiovascular diseases, such as anxiety, anxiety and depression, present in the process of mourning. Keywords: unprocessed mourning; cardiovascular diseases; gestalt-therapy.

