
  • centro de documentação gestalt-terapia brasileira


The "Gestalt Laboratory: configurations and contemporary practices" and a project of University Extension developed at UERJ that aims to promote academic activities and university extension, covering topics and practices in Gestalt-Therapy. In this year of 2012, we inaugurate a new name, considering that the current one represents what we do more reliably, since it refers to the extension, production and practice of knowledge regarding the Gestalt Approach, understanding it as an active form of apprehension and intervention in the world. We seek the socialization of knowledge, promoting the opportunity of exchanges with the community in a lively and interactive way, creating new perspectives through the senses, contributing to the humanization of today's relationships By extension, it is understood the activities that privilege the transfer of knowledge from the University to the community. It is the extension to open paths between the academic community and the external community, making it possible for each of the parties to enrich the process of integrating knowledge production. Among the objectives of this project are: to redeem, in the university and in the lay community, another possibility of looking at the world, different from the essentially theoretical model, rational, predominant in academic language; to bring the knowledge of the living and dynamic aspects of daily life closer together, rescuing our sensible dimension; and expand the scope of the Gestaltic Approach in the academic environment. In our work as an extension project, the contact is made by the simple fact that we open ourselves to it. It is not something to be established before, but it is given locally, with a certain group, in a certain activity, and is able to bring new questions and possibilities to all who are involved in it. We will share here the experience of interning in this project experiencing a way of learning that involves multiple spaces: to learn, to experiment, to listen ... Being in this limit that transcends the walls of the University allows another look at the practice. The gestaltic approach promotes an expansion of this field of knowledge, since it works in this interlocation between theory and practice, considering them a totality. Thus, the Laboratory Gestaltico seeks to break frontiers and bring to the academic field the vitality of a vanguard practice that also keeps teaching / learning in an indivisible unit. Keywords: laboratory; academic extension; learning; experience.

