Philosophy and Gestalt-Therapy. Basement? Influence? Interlocution?


  • centro de documentação gestalt-terapia brasileira
  • Marcelo Pinheiro da Silva


In this work I try to develop a quick essay critically evaluating the relationship that gestalt-therapists establish historically with philosophy. Using my personal path as an axis, I try to describe the type of relationship that exists and evaluate its consequences. I criticize the idea of ​​grounding for being inconsistent with the autonomy and unique development of Gestalt therapy. I reaffirm the importance of knowing well the various influences that mark the construction of this approach, and I point out the interlocution as the type of relationship most suitable to be established between gestalt-therapy and the other areas of knowledge, especially those that have greater identity with the same . Keywords: Gestalt-Therapy; philosophy; humanism; existentialism; Phenomenology; bases; influence; interlocutor





Mesa Redonda - I Congresso