The Relational Attitude in Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice.


  • Gary Yontef

Palabras clave:

Bracketing, dialogue, field theory, individualism and interdependence, metatheory, phenomenology, relational gestalt therapy, shame, subtext, therapeutic relationship.


Neste artigo publicado originalmente no International Gestalt Journal no ano de 2002, Gary Yontef revê cada um dos três fundamentais princípios filosóficos da gestalt terapia: a fenomenologia existencial, a teoria de campo e o existencialismo dialógico e discute as práticas e atitudes da Gestalt Terapia que são incompatíveis com estes princípios. Gestalt therapy theory is relational in its core, al-though some talk and practice of gestalt therapy is not consis-tent with the principles. This paper reviews core relational philosophical principles of gestalt therapy: existential phe-nomenology, field theory, and dialogic existentialism. The im-plications for practice are explored. Practices and attitudes about gestalt therapy that are inconsistent with these principles are discussed. The article studies the triggering and treatment of shame in gestalt therapy and gestalt training. The article clarifies what relational gestalt therapy is and what it is not.

Biografía del autor/a

Gary Yontef

Gary Yontef, Ph.D., FAClinP, is a Fellow of the Academy of Clinical Psychology and Diplomate in Clinical Psychology (ABPP). Dr. Yontef was formerly on the UCLA Psychology Department Fac-ulty and Chairman of the Professional Conduct Committee of the L. A. County Psychological Association. He has co-founded and co-directs the Gestalt Therapy Institute of the Pacific, an institute offer-ing post-graduate training in contemporary gestalt psychotherapy. He was formerly President of the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles and for 18 years he was head of its training program. He is an Editorial Board Member of The Gestalt Journal, Editorial Advisor of the British Gestalt Journal, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Gestalt Therapy Association. His book Aware-ness, Dialogue and Process: Essays on Gestalt Therapy has been translated into four other languages. He has also written 35 articles and chapters on gestalt therapy theory and practice.



Cómo citar

Yontef, G. (2007). The Relational Attitude in Gestalt Therapy Theory and Practice. IGT Na Rede ISSN 1807-2526, 3(4). Recuperado a partir de