Reconectar-se para reexistir - diálogos entre a Gestalt-terapia e a Ecopsicologia.<br>Reconnecting to re-exist - dialogues between Gestalt Therapy and Ecopsychology.



ambientalidade, gestalt-terapia, ecopsicologia, reflexões


This paper is an account of the experiences of some of the collaborators in the Extension Project "Re(x)istir - environmental reflections and sustainable actions in Gestalt therapy", linked to the Psychology Department at UFF-Rio das Ostras. It began in March 2022 and ended in December 2023, with the aim of promoting discussions on the subject of man's relationship with nature, based on the dialogue between Gestalt therapy and Ecopsychology. The extension action involved three main tasks, two of which took the form of biweekly remote meetings between the execution team. The first involved debating texts on the subject in question in a study group format. After that, remote meetings were held to draw up proposals for field actions. Finally, the third task was the execution of these actions, which served as the basis for this article.


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How to Cite

Junqueira , S., Marques Amorim, M., Valle de Albuquerque Lima, P., & Silvana da Silva Peçanha, M. (2023). Reconectar-se para reexistir - diálogos entre a Gestalt-terapia e a Ecopsicologia.<br>Reconnecting to re-exist - dialogues between Gestalt Therapy and Ecopsychology. IGT Na Rede ISSN 1807-2526, 20(38). Retrieved from