Between drawings and therapy sessions, the experience of a designer Gestalt-therapist


  • Dácio Pinheiro Carvalho Filho
  • Georges Daniel Janja Bloc Boris Universidade de Fortaleza


Gestalt-Therapy, Art, Psychotherapy


Gestalt therapy is an approach of psychotherapy that emphasizes experience and a focus on the concrete situation as guiding elements for the process. Another aspect of the approach is its proximity to the field of art due to its spontaneous and sensitive character. In this way, the present article proposes to study the relationship between art and Gestalt-therapy, exploring the experience of a Gestalt-therapist who is also close to the field of art. From the study, we were able to observe different ways in which Gestalt-therapy finds proximity to art.

Author Biography

Dácio Pinheiro Carvalho Filho

Dácio Pinheiro Carvalho Filho, Psychologist graduated from the Dr. Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO (2015), has a specialization in collective mental health from the School of Public Health of Ceará - ESP-CE and a master's degree in psychology from the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR. He works as a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor in the city of Fortalez


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How to Cite

Pinheiro Carvalho Filho, D., & Daniel Janja Bloc Boris, G. (2022). Between drawings and therapy sessions, the experience of a designer Gestalt-therapist. IGT Na Rede ISSN 1807-2526, 19(37). Retrieved from