Essay on the political dimension of art through the perspective of the gestalt clinic


  • Dácio Carvalho


Política, Arte, Gestalt-terapia


The present text explores the political dimension of art reflecting through the Gestalt therapy perspective. The text touch questions regarding the approach of Gestalt therapy with the field of art, its clinical use and its political dimension. Discussing how art can enhance or counterpoint the system of ideas and power forces surrounding man as well as artistic experience as a way of being self-conscious resisting the processes of massification. In addition to the reflections of the political dimension of art, this text emphasizes the aesthetic and political dimension of Gestalt therapy.

Author Biography

Dácio Carvalho

Psicólogo, Gestalt-terapeuta, Especialista em Saúde Mental Coletiva na Categoria Residência pela Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará, Mestrando em Psicologia pela Universidade de Fortaleza- UNIFOR.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, D. (2022). Essay on the political dimension of art through the perspective of the gestalt clinic. IGT Na Rede ISSN 1807-2526, 18(35). Retrieved from